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New Baby Card Messages and Ideas
Thinking of sending new baby wishes to someone but don't know what to say? If you’re looking for what to write in a new baby card, look no further! Send joyful and thoughtful congratulatory messages to family, friends, or acquaintances with these ready-to-use card messages!

New Baby Messages
(click each category to see the messages)
- Baby Shower
- Twins
- Triplets
- First Baby
- Adoption/Surrogate
- Difficult Circumstances
Start creating stunning cards for any occasion with these must-have crafting products!
Baby Shower
- Sending our love and congratulations on your growing family. Welcome baby boy/girl! (Baby Zoo Stamp Set)
- A baby is a precious gift from above, brought down for you to care for and to love. Welcome, baby! (Baby Balloon Stamp Set)
- It's a boy/girl! Just can't wait to meet your sweet little miracle! (Baby Balloon Stamp Set)
- Double the fun, double the trouble! Kidding aside, congrats on the birth of your twins. You're going to be such a wonderful mom/dad. (Funny)
- Sending you best wishes on having twin babies! Do you want to know why you were blessed with twins? It's because you're such an awesome mom/dad - you can totally handle more than one.
- Wishing you lots of blessings and happiness with your little ones. Congrats on having two cute newborns at the same time!
- Celebrating the birth of your triplets with you and your family. It may seem overwhelming at first, but I know you're going to be the best triplet mom/dad ever!
- Sending congratulations on your triplets! May they bring you and your family three times the joy, prosperity, and blessings that you deserve.
- Triple the cries... triple the cuddles! You are one lucky mom! Congrats on giving birth to three beautiful babies!
First Baby
- Just looking at how much you two adore and love each other, I already know that is going to be one lucky baby! Congratulations on the birth of your sweet little one!
- Warmest congratulations and best wishes to the new mom and dad! I'm so thrilled for you two and I can't wait to spoil your baby girl/boy with lots of treats and gifts.
- Best wishes to the proud parents! Great job on creating a tiny human! I cannot wait to see you two nail this whole parenting thing. Good luck! (Funny)
- I can't even put into words how happy I am for you! You finally have your precious little one. I know you're going to love her/him like your own.
- That little girl/boy is so fortunate to grow up in the care of such warm, loving, and caring parents. She/he may not be yours by blood, but I know you're going to give her/him the world. Congratulations!
- Bring on the dirty diapers and sleepless nights! Despite the circumstances, I always knew you were meant to be a mom/dad. Your baby is so lucky to have you!
Difficult Circumstances
- Sending you and your family prayers as your new baby undergoes surgery. We know that your little is one is brave and strong - just like his/her parents. Hang in there!
- Welcoming your precious miracle into the world and keeping him/her in my thoughts and prayers. Don't lose hope, okay? He/she will pull through and we can finally see that lovely smile.
- I can't wait to celebrate this milestone with you. In the meantime, I hope you recover well and get back on your feet soon. Your baby needs your hugs and kisses! Please know that I'm here - whatever you need.