How to Vote for Altenew for the 2020 Craft Business Awards
STEP 1: Go to the site:
- Click on this link to go to the site:
STEP 2: Click on Vote Now at the top right of the screen. Click the button pointed by the red arrow in the photo below:

STEP 3: Click on Start or Press Enter on your keyboard.

STEP 4: Click on Continue or Press Enter on your keyboard.
STEP 5: In Category 1: BEST SUPPORT & SERVICE, click on Altenew or type the letter E on your keyboard.
STEP 6: Altenew is NOT nominated Categories 2-4. Please feel free to skip or to vote for any of the companies nominated in these categories. To skip a category please see the photo below:

STEP 7: In Category 5: BEST AMERICAN BRAND click on Altenew or type the letter B on your keyboard.
STEP 8: Altenew is NOT nominated Categories 6-8. Please feel free to skip or to vote for any of the companies nominated in these categories. To skip a category please see the photo below:

STEP 9: In Category 9: BEST PAPERCRAFT MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER/DISTRIBUTOR click on Altenew or type the letter B on your keyboard.
STEP 10: Altenew is NOT nominated Categories 10-15. Please feel free to skip or to vote for any of the companies nominated in these categories. To skip a category please see the photo below:

STEP 11: All the succeeding pages from 16-24 will ask you for your personal information. Please fill them out accordingly.Page 25 is the Terms and Conditions. Click on "I accept" or type A on your keyboard. Page 26 will ask you if you want to subscribe to the newsletter