A Beginner’s Guide to Watercoloring Stamps

Last Updated: April 9, 2023

Have you ever admired watercolor artwork and wondered how to create it for yourself? What if we told you that you could make stunning watercolor masterpieces easily with the versatile designs of stamps? Using stamps to create watercolor designs is a simple yet effective technique that can produce beautiful results for your cards, scrapbooks, journals, and more! Not only is it beginner-friendly, but it's also a great way to experiment with color blending and different stamp techniques. 

Make beautiful watercolor-stamped images with this floral stamp set!

Arch Of Flowers

In today’s blog post, we'll cover everything from how to color watercolor stamped images to choosing suitable materials and techniques for creating various designs. So if you’re a beginner trying to figure out how to play with watercolor effects, trying it with stamps is a fun and rewarding way to unleash your creativity. So grab your paintbrushes, and let's start on this exciting journey into the world of watercoloring featuring stamps!

What Do You Need to Watercolor Stamped Images?

When it comes to watercoloring your stamped images, there are certain supplies to help you achieve the best results. For example, you can't just use any type of ink to stamp your image. Using dye inks to stamp will cause your watercolored image to bleed and run, resulting in blurred patches of your design.

 Find the best watercolor paints for paper crafting here at Altenew!

Simple Roses Stamp & Die & Mask Stencil Bundle

So, if you want to have a hassle-free coloring experience with watercolors, here are the essentials you'll need:

  • Watercolor paints - Whether you use watercolor pencils, paints, tubes, or liquid watercolors, playing with the properties of watercolors can result in beautiful colors for your crafts. You can start with a basic set of colors and gradually add more to your collection as they progress.
  • Paintbrushes - If you want to play with different techniques, you can use a flat brush, a round brush, and a detail brush. Flat brushes are great for covering larger areas, while round brushes are ideal for creating fine lines and details.
  • Watercolor paper - Even if you're making a card, using watercolor paper is best, as not only will it hold the pigments nicely, but it will also prevent warping and buckling.
  • Cardstock - This is optional, but most crafters pair their watercolor panels with a cardstock base. 
  • Stamps - Of course, you can't watercolor stamped images without stamps! There are multiple stamp designs you can use, but here at Altenew, we really love using watercolors for our florals! 
  • Mixed media inks - When you want to watercolor your stamped images, use pigment inks, as they are waterproof when heat set and will not budge.

Apart from these supplies, you can also add more pizzazz with additional embellishments!  

Fun Watercolor Techniques You Can Do With Stamps

Make Artsy and Loose Impressions With Watercolors 

Have you ever tried stamping your images with watercolor paint instead of ink? This will result in beautifully loose designs that you can choose to add details to using pens or markers. This is a technique that is also best for layering stamps, as you can add more intricate lines by stamping other layers using pigment ink. 

Create beautiful watercolor-stamped images with this set of watercoloring pencils!

Woodless Watercolor Pencil 24 Set

Create Exciting Color Washes and Textures 

To add interest and dimension to your watercolor design, try creating a background or adding textures. You can use a spray bottle to create a watercolor wash or directly add paint to your stamps with less water to create a dry brush effect. 


 Play around with watercolor techniques and try spotlight coloring methods!

Paint-A-Flower: Magnolia Grandiflora Outline Stamp Set

Enjoy Water-Resistant Images With Heat Embossing

If you're a beginner crafter, then you should know how much crafters love heat-embossing images to give them a glamorous look, and it’s no wonder why! With heat-embossing, you can create stamped images with water-resistant walls that are perfect for filling in with watercolors. 

To achieve this effect, you'll need to use embossing powder, a heat gun, some embossing ink, and anti-static powder (to make sure that the powder sticks to your image only).

  1. First, apply embossing ink to your stamp and stamp the image onto your paper or cardstock. 
  2. Then, sprinkle embossing powder over the wet ink, tap off any excess powder, and heat the powder with a heat gun until it melts and fuses to the paper. 
  3. Voila! The result is a raised, glossy image that is resistant to water and smudging, so watercolor away! 

For a more detailed tutorial, take this FREE class on heat-embossing techniques!

A colorful, embossed card featuring lovely flowers

Pen Sketched Flowers Stamp Set 

Color Your Images With Watercolor Markers 

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to add color to your stamped images? Watercolor brush markers are perfect for adding vibrant color to your stamped designs, and they're incredibly easy to use. 

Simply use your marker to color in the areas of your stamped image, then use a wet paintbrush to blend and soften the colors. You can also layer different colors to create shading and depth. Watercolor brush markers are a great choice for adding color to your stamped designs because they're easy to control and blend, making it easy to achieve beautiful and professional-looking results.

Stamp Outlines and Add Watercolor Splatters

 Create beautiful watercolor art with this outline stamp set!

Paint-A-Flower: Fashion Monger Dahlia & Artists' Watercolor 24 Pan Set Bundle

Another way to play with watercolor techniques is to use an outline stamp set. You can create one-of-a-kind designs by making an outline background colored with watercolor splatters. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Make a background on watercolor paper with an outline stamp set by repetitively stamping until the entire panel is filled.
  2. Then, using a round watercolor brush, load up the brush with pigment and water.
  3. Lightly tap your brush over your panel. Switch colors in between, so you can have a more exciting look.
  4. Finally, add sequins and sentiments for the perfect finishing touch, and you're golden! 

By following these ideas, you can create beautiful watercolor designs with stamps! Just remember to have fun and experiment with different techniques to create your own unique style.

Stamp and Watercolor Your Way to Impressive Projects! 

Are you ready to take on your stamping projects with watercolors? We hope that even as a beginner, this guide helps you craft with confidence. Watercoloring with stamps is an enjoyable experience that will provide beautiful, vibrant results. 

Create shimmering projects with metallic watercolor paints and leaf-themed stamp sets!

Leaf Clusters Stamp Set

As you hone your skills, don’t forget to snap pictures of your work along the way. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a creative journey come full circle! If you need more tips and tricks, you can always find inspiration at the All About Crafting blog at Altenew  - so go ahead and unleash that inner watercolorist slash stamper star inside you!

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